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2018 Year in Review: 4 Key Takeaways
This time of the year it is customary for my colleagues at inCITES and myself to look back to the year that is about to end and reflect on the lessons learned that set the foundations for the years to come. This help us evaluate what went well, what did not go so well and what we can do better next year to exceed our clients’ expectations.
Amongst several other pies in which we dipped our fingers during 2018, there are four key activitiesfor which we are delighted and I would like to share with you:
A high stake project with the Luxembourgish government
Luxembourg’s vision is to be amongst the leaders in 5G, while seeking to make the most of the new technology towards improving the wellbeing of its citizens and driving economic prosperity for the country.
Recognising our expertise in the field, the Ministry of Media and Communications appointed us to write the report that underpinned Luxembourg’s National 5G Strategy and which examined various aspects of 5G networks, such as business models, market demand, regulatory considerations and possible funding schemes and it also identified several potential candidates for 5G pilot testbeds across the country.
Our brand new website and Weekly Newsletter
After several months of internal back and forth as well as with our clients and partners, we launched our brand new website in 3Q18 which has an inside-out overview of our activities. By navigating on our new website one can find out a summary of our previous projects and studies, access our research and datasets, read about our latest activities and get to know more about our team members and their expertise.
Last but not least, in the Newsletter section one can access our insightful weekly newsletter which covers all the major ICT news, research and data that we found interesting and would like to share with you.
Research and Innovation is part of our DNA
We continue working on exciting cutting-edge technology projects for the European Commission as part of the Horizon 2020 program, showcasing our expertise in dissemination and exploitation strategies.
In 2018, we continued contributing to SHIELD, SAINT and 5GCity projects that were already underway since 2017 and we became members of a new and exciting research family, that of the SPEAR project.
On this side of our business, we echo the words by John Wooden:
‘Whatever you do in life surround yourself with smart people who’ll argue with you.’
We feel privileged to argue with and learn from some of the most bright researchers and experts in the world as part of the Horizon 2020 program.
Prognosis goes live!
Whether we are consulting with clients or writing research reports for our Knowledge Center, having access to good quality data is of paramount importance. With that in mind, we decided to set up our proprietary database by collecting, compiling, modelling, forecasting and presenting Mobile and Fixed connectivity data for all European countries.
Earlier this year, we managed to go live with the online dashboard version of our database, Prognosis, which comprises over 110k+ data points for 41 European countries, covering 17 historical and forecast years and 160+ KPIs.
I would like to take this opportunity to dearly thank all our clients and partners for trusting us in 2018. I am certain that 2019 will be full of surprises, as was 2018, but we will face them with the confidence we gained over the past twelve months!