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inCITES Consulting participated in ReCRED project's clustering workshop
inCITES participated in the H2020 Project Clustering workshop for demonstrations, organised by project ReCRED in Athens, April 20. Innovative technical developments were presented from all participants and constructive discussions about cybersecurity issues including business capabilities were held.
Project SHIELD representatives presented a demo for the detection and reaction to a DDoS attack by on-the-fly deployment of new virtual network security functions and change of network paths, as well as detection of software attacks against virtual network functions and unauthorized modification of the SDN switching tables and NFV configurations. inCITES believes that SHIELD’s proposed solution offers a future proof tool for operators and services providers aiming to adopt NFV/SDN technology and machine learning techniques.
Project SAINT presented its first outcomes about protective crucial resources targeting at reducing the cost of the cybercrime. Overall, the cost of cybersecurity for companies continues to grow mainly due to the rising number of more technologically advanced security breaches from the cyberattackers’ side.
Dimitris Katsianis, Research Advisor at inCITES, comments:
‘Advanced technological solutions with increased defense properties are needed nowadays to counter the ever-increasing threat from cyberattacks, which are growing in complexity and number on a daily basis’
ReCRED project presented a microloan origination pilot aiming to offer a simplified process for receiving a Microloan as a student or young professional with low or no credit history. ReCRED researchers expect that the Microloan market will grow substantially in the following years since only a limited number of banks offer similar solutions to retail customers. ReCRED project’s reps also presented a Wi-Fi Pilot as a security architecture that employs the ReCRED modules to control a user access to the campus’ Wi-Fi network and associated web services. ReCRED reps finally presented a tool for age verification based on an online age verification service, with the purpose of granting or denying access to age-restricted resources, without revealing or disclosing any other personal or sensitive user data.
AGΕify presented a reliable age verification mechanism that can be used to control access to online resources. It features a mobile app which allows users to prove their date of birth using personal data from reliable sources, such as banks and telecom operators amongst others.
Finally, a demo from PaaSword focused on the secure storage of both corporate and personal sensitive data on Cloud infrastructures. Their business challenges provide a clear statement for a holistic data privacy and security by design framework. Such a framework needs to assist in complying with specific security standards that meet customer needs, EU rules and ISO standardization mandates for cloud-based applications on Platform-as-a-Service solutions. Meeting the security requirements leads to a more attractive development environment and it reduces the time-to-market for new applications.