Network Data Traffic Forecast 2018-23 - Europe
Network Data Traffic Forecast 2018-23 includes historical and forecast data covering the 2015-2023 period for mobile and fixed networks for 41 European markets. The main metrics included are:
Mobile Network Data Traffic
- Total mobile traffic
- 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G traffic
- Total mobile traffic by device (smartphones, portables, non-smartphones, M2M)
- Total mobile traffic by content type (video, social media, communications, web browsing, audio, gaming, TV viewing, other)
Fixed Network Data Traffic
- Total fixed traffic
- Total fixed traffic by device (smartphones, portables, PC, connected smart TV, streaming sticks, connected gaming console, other)
- Total fixed traffic by content type (video, social media, communications, web browsing, audio, gaming, TV viewing, P2P file sharing, other)
Total Network Data Traffic
- Total fixed and mobile traffic
- Total fixed and mobile traffic by device (smartphones, portables, PC, connected smart TV, streaming sticks, connected gaming console, non-smartphone, M2M, other)
- Total fixed and mobile traffic by content type (video, social media, communications, web browsing, audio, gaming, TV viewing, P2P file sharing, other)