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InCites Consulting WP leader in EU Research & Innovation project XGAIN
InCites Consulting leads Work Package 4 – “XGain Knowledge Facilitation Tool Development” of XGain EU Research & Innovation project
XGain aims to equip Europe’s rural and coastal communities (eg. farmers, foresters, fishers, etc.) with a simple, easy-to-use tool for selecting the most competitive, resilient and sustainable digital connectivity solution to best fit their needs
InCites Consulting was selected to lead WP4 for its expertise in developing techno-economic assessments of different digital connectivity technologies, as well as for its experience in developing relevant business models
Bridging the digital divide between urban and rural areas when it comes to the utilization of advanced digital broadband solutions for improving lives and combatting climate change, is at the heart of EU’s policies and its Digital Decade targets. XGain is a 3-year long EU-funded Research and Innovation Program, which started in September 2022 and aims at supporting such policies.
From 5G-connected drones for monitoring crops and forests in Spain, to a digital shepherd in Belgium, to e-health robot caregivers for elders in Greece, and more, XGain aims to resolve real-life needs of rural communities in real time, demonstrating its value in six specific use cases across different geographies and sectors of human activity.
“InCites Consulting envisages a world where all people, processes, machines and objects around them are digitally connected no matter where they live or what they do, in such a way that enables sustainable living upon our planet. Therefore, actively contributing with our expertise in Research & Innovation projects, such as the XGain, is key to us.” stated Dr. Ioannis Neokosmidis, InCites Consulting CEO.
XGain’s Project Coordinator, Dr. Angelos Amditis, Research & Development Director at the Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS) of National Technical University of Athens, added: “With XGain we want to improve the social readiness of rural communities for easily adopting digital technological solutions valuable for them. We chose InCites Consulting as one of our partners in this project, because of their proven expertise in business modelling and techno-economic analysis of digital technologies, and their strong commitment to delivering high quality results.”
Along with InCites Consulting, the XGain consortium comprises of 17 organisations from 9 EU members and 2 associated members from UK & Switzerland respectively, and it is expected to deliver its results in late 2025.
The overall Project aim is to simplify and facilitate decision-making of key rural stakeholders (eg. municipalities, farmers, foresters, fishers) regarding the choice of edge and last-mile technologies in which they should invest in, to achieve the best outcomes for their activities from an economic, technical, environmental, and social point of view. In this respect, XGain is designing and aims to deliver a simple, easy-to-use knowledge facilitation tool that includes the development, selection, and implementation of innovative business models, taking into consideration the available edge and last-mile connectivity alternatives.
InCites Consulting leads Work Package 4 (WP4) of the Program, while it also contributes to a number of tasks in other Work Packages as well. WP4 focuses on developing the technoeconomic and socioenvironmental assessment of various edge and last-mile technological solutions, and of the respective innovative business models to be integrated into the XGain knowledge facilitation tool. More in detail, WP4 consists of the following key tasks:
Techno-economic assessment of various edge and last-mile technological solutions
Socio-environmental assessment of the same
Develop cross-sectoral business models for 7 different sectors: aquaculture, agriculture, forestry, environmental monitoring, e-health, e-government, and education
Integrate the above into the knowledge facilitation tool, ensuring interoperability, adequate performance and scalability of the various XGain system components for large-scale use during the project and beyond
Design of the web interface and launch of the knowledge facilitation tool, to the relevant stakeholders - farmers, associations, rural communities etc.
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InCites Consulting supports ICT business leaders and policy makers make informed decisions on winning business strategies, the best technology choices, and the most impactful policies for an all-connected digital world.
Our portfolio consists of specialist, tailor-made ICT business and technology advisory, such as socio-economic and techno-economic analysis of new technologies, business modelling, demand forecasting of new services, and regulatory economics.
InCites is also actively engaged in selected EU Research & Innovation projects in the areas of 5G, IoT and 6G to gain early hands-on experience of new technologies and industry trends to the benefit of our customers.