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InCites publishes granular Network Data Traffic Forecast
InCites Consulting has just published its Network Data Traffic Forecast 2018-2023 with actual data between 2007-2017 and a forecast that extends to 2023. The forecast covers 38 European markets across both Western and Eastern Europe, with over 88k unique data points.
inCITES’ Network Data Traffic Forecast includes Mobile, Fixed and Total Data Network Traffic time series split by device, technology and content type.
Key Figures:
- Total mobile data traffic in Europe is forecast to grow to 10.6 EB per month by 2023, growing at a CAGR of 34% between 2017-23.
- 5G traffic will account for 27.8% of total mobile traffic in Europe by 2023, while 4G will continue to capture the lion’s share of mobile traffic.
- Smartphones will account for over 90% of total mobile data traffic by 2023, growing at a CAGR of 34.2% between 2017-23.
- Video viewing and streaming will account for the majority of traffic over mobile networks, capturing 67% of the total by 2023.
- Total fixed data traffic in Europe is forecast to grow to 55.4 EB per month by 2023, growing at a CAGR of 17% between 2017-23.
- Smartphones will account for the majority of traffic over fixed networks, followed by PCs and connected TVs.
- Video viewing and streaming will account for the majority of traffic over fixed networks capturing 70% of the total by 2023.
- In Western Europe, total data traffic is forecast to grow to 47.8 EB per month by 2023 (18.7% CAGR), while in Eastern Europe, total data traffic will grow to 18.1 EB per month (19.2% CAGR) during the same timeframe.
For more info regarding the Network Data Traffic Forecast 2018-2023 email us at info@incites.eu or visit our knowledge center at www.incites.eu/knowledge-center