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  • InCites Consulting is delighted to announce its successful participation as a Silver Sponsor at the 14th Mobile & IoT Connected World conference, titled "A Smart & Safe World," held on June 26, 2024, at the Wyndham Grand Athens Hotel in Athens, Greece.

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  • InCites is proud to announce it will participate in the project titled ENVELOPE from the latest Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking

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  • 27/03/2023. InCites Consulting successfully led the work for cyber-threat forecasting and estimation of the economic impact of cyber-attacks in aviation, energy, and naval domains, in FORESIGHT EU Research & Innovation Project.

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  • 16/03/2023. InCites Consulting was selected to lead Work Package 4 – “Knowledge Facilitation Tool Development” of EU Research & Innovation Project XGain. XGain aims to equip Europe’s rural and coastal communities (eg. farmers, foresters, fishers, etc.) with a simple, easy-to-use tool for selecting the most competitive, resilient and sustainable digital connectivity solution to best fit their needs.

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  • InCites Consulting has just published its Network Data Traffic Forecast 2018-2023 with actual data between 2007-2017 and a forecast that extends to 2023. The forecast covers 38 European markets across both Western and Eastern Europe, with over 88k unique data points.

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  • inCITES Consulting was the 9th Mobile & Connected World conference that will take place in Athens, June 6...

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  • inCITES Consulting participated at the 16th European Digital Forum that took place in Lucca, Italy, 6-7/6

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  • inCITES Consulting participated in the 5G-PINE workshop organised by OTE Group of Companies (HTO) and H2020 5GESSENCE project

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  • inCITES participates in the first review meeting of the European Commission-funded H2020 SPEAR Project

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  • hosts an article about the status of 5G networks in Italy

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  • Tech news website, Panorama Audiovisual hosts an article about inCITES

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  • Tech news website, Corriere Communicazioni hosts an article about inCITES

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  • inCITES Consulting will be at the Arch Summit 2019 that will take place in Luxembourg

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  • inCITES Consulting was in Pisa, participating in the plenary meeting of the H2020 project 5GCity

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  • The official portal of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg hosts an article about inCITES Consulting's Europe 5G Readiness Index.

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  • Το διαδικτυακό περιοδικο Κινητα Νεα ( γραφει για τον Ευρωπαϊκό Δείκτη Ετοιμότητας 5G της inCITES Consulting στο Τεύχος Μαρτίου.

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  • Το γράφει για το νέο διαδικτυακό εργαλείο που αναπτύξαμε πρόσφατα και μετράει την ετοιμότητα 38 Ευρωπαϊκών χωρών να αναπτύξουν και να υιοθετήσουν δίκτυα πέμπτης γενιάς.

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  • inCITES Consulting participated at the Mobile World Congress 2019 as part of the Horizon 2020 project 5GCity consortium. 5GCity will develop and deploy a distributed cloud and radio platform for 5G Neutral Hosts. Having navigated through all the halls of the congress and having discussed with several organisations across the ICT ecosystem, here are the key takeaways from our viewpoint

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  • Delano hosts an article about inCITES report "Europe 5G Readiness Index: Assessing Europe’s readiness to deploy 5G". Based on this report, the article is trying to explain the main factors influencing the rank of Luxembourg in the abovementioned index. 

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  • Luxembourg Times hosts an article on the factors that influence Luxembourg's rank on inCITES Europe 5G Readiness Index. Luxembourg got a mixed rating on how ready it is for the next generation of mobile networks, with an overall 9th ranking out of 38 European countries.

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  • Το Euro2day γράφει για το νεο διαδικτυακό εργαλείο (Europe 5G Readiness Index) της inCITES Consulting το οποίο μετράει την ετοιμότητα 38 ΕυρωπαΪκών χωρών να αναπτύξουν και να υιοθετήσουν δίκτυα 5G.

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  • hosts an article about inCITES Consulting online tool (Europe 5G Readiness Index) measuring the readiness of 38 European Countries to deploy and adopt 5G networks

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  • Ο σύμβουλος της inCITES Consulting, Δημήτρης Ξυδιάς, CFA γράφει στο για το ρόλο της τεχνητής νοημοσύνης στις τηλεπικοινωνίες. Κάποιες από τις πιο συνήθεις διαδικασίες που πραγματοποιούνται με ΑΙ είναι η κατανόηση και επεξεργασία του ανθρώπινου λόγου, η συμμετοχή σε παιχνίδια στρατηγικής, όπως το σκάκι, και η έξυπνη δρομολόγηση δικτύων παροχής περιεχομένου.

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  • Το περιοδικό Infocom φιλοξενεί στο Τεύχος Ιανουαρίου ένα άρθρο των Ιωάννη Νεοκοσμίδη, PhD και Δημήτρη Ξυδιά, CFA με τίτλο 'Ποιοί παράγοντες θα επηρεάσουν την αγορά των ευρωπαϊκών MVNO τα επόμενα χρόνια'.

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  • This time of the year it is customary for my colleagues at inCITES and myself to look back to the year that is about to end and reflect on the lessons learned that set the foundations for the years to come. This help us evaluate what went well, what did not go so well and what we can do better next year to exceed our clients’ expectations. 

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  • inCITES Consulting participated in the Luxembourg 5G Conference where we

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  • inCITES Consulting is in Barcelona participating in the 4th Plenary Meeting of the European Commission funded H2020 project 5GCity

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  • inCITES Consulting was at the 20th Infocom World that tool place yesterday in Athens. Ioannis Neokosmidis, inCITES CEO, took the stage to talk about devising the national 5G strategy in Luxembourg.

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  • inCITES Consulting is at Luxembourg Internet Days 2018 event organised by LU-CIX to share ideas around cloud and network security with several global ICT players.

    Drop us a line at to identify how we can help you in your cybersecurity journey

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  • inCITES Consultant Dimitrios Xydias, CFA writes about the role of satellite communications in the new 5G era.

    For more details, click here (source in Greek)

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  • inCITES Consulting CEO, Ioannis Neokosmidis, PhD and Consultant Dimitrios Xydias, CFA will present our work on 5G strategy formulation and the neutral host model at the 20th Infocom World Conference themed «New Horizons: The Techonomy of Gigabit Era!» that will take place in Athens, Nov 21.

    Follow the link below to get your free ticket.

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  • Newspaper ΕΘΝΟΣ hosts today an article about inCITES Consulting CEO Ioannis Neokosmidis, PhD, following his presentation titled 'Devising Luxembourg's national 5G strategy' at the Forum 'Towards 5G Gigabit Society' organised by ITU and the Greek Ministry for Digital Policy, Telecommunications and Media.

    Drop us a line at to identify how we can help you in your 5G journey

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  • inCITES CEO, Ioannis Neokosmidis, PhD will give a presentation titled 'Devising Luxembourg's national 5G strategy' in the morning session of the Forum 'Towards 5G Gigabit Society' organised by ITU and the Greek Ministry for Digital Policy, Telecommunications and Media that will be held October 11-12 in Athens.

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    inCITES Consulting has updated its granular mobile and fixed connectivity database, Prognosis, with 2017 actual data and a forecast that extends to 2023. Prognosis is based on a variety of public sources for the actual data part as well as a range of methodologies and inputs for the forecast part.


    Key Figures:

    -Total mobile subscriptions in Europe will reach 1.26 billion, up from 1.12 billion in 2017, growing at a CAGR of 1.9% between 2017-23.

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  • inCITES Consulting participates in the 2nd plenary meeting of European Commission-funded H2020 SPEAR Project, which aims at developing an integrated platform of methods, processes, tools and supporting tools for:

    - Timely detection of evolved security attacks

    - Developing an advanced forensic readiness framework, based on smart honeypot deployment

    - Implementing an anonymous smart grid channel for mitigating the lack of trust in exchanging sensitive information about cyber-attack incidents

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  • inCITES Consultant Dimitrios Xydias, CFA writes about the role of LiFI in the new 5G era.

    For more details, click here (source in Greek)

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  • inCITES Consulting participates in the 1st year review meeting of the H2020 research project 5GCity funded by the European Commission, which will design, develop, deploy and demonstrate, in operational conditions, a distributed cloud and radio platform for municipalities and infrastructure owners acting as 5G neutral hosts.

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  • Luxembourg's Prime Minister, Xavier Bettel, announced yesterday the national 5G strategy which was based on a study conducted by inCITES Consulting. inCITES assisted Luxembourg’s policymakers by examining various aspects of 5G networks, such as business models, 5G market demand, regulatory considerations and possible funding schemes. inCITES' report also describes five potential candidates for the deployment of 5G pilots across the country as per the Government’s schedule.

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  • inCITES Consulting CEO Ioannis Neokosmidis, PhD and consultant Dimitrios Xydias, CFA commented on the possibility of a fourth players in the Greek telecom market.

    Find more details on our comment (source in Greek)

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  • inCITES consultant Dimitrios Xydias, CFA writes about the technologies that will drive 5G.

    For more details, read Dimitris article (source in Greek)

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  • inCITES Consulting's CTO, Theodoros Rokkas, PhD presented a paper on the 'cost and power consumption comparison of 400Gbps intra data center transceiver modules’ at the ICTON 2018 conference in Bucharest, Romania. The paper was also co-authored by Dr. Ioannis Tomkos and Dr. Ioannis Neokosmidis.

    For more info on our Data Center research, drop us a line at

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  • Our consultant, Dimitris Xydias, CFA writes about the next generation access networks as a means to accommodate the explosive growth of data.

    More details read Dimitris report (source in Greek)

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  • Infocom journal's May issue hosts inCITES Consulting CEO, Dr. Ioannis Neokosmidis and consultant, Dimitrios Xydias, CFA article about the European Commission and next generation access networks.

    You can read the article here (source in Greek)

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  • We invite you at the 8th Infocom Mobile Connected World that will take place on 30 May in Athens, where our CEO, Dr. Ioannis Neokosmidis will present his view on "The secrets of making 5G a success"

    Follow the link to get your free ticket.

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  • inCITES Consulting will present the paper  named 'Are 5G Networks, and the Neutral Host Model, the Solution to the Shrinking Telecom Market?' at the “5G – Putting Intelligence to the Network Edge” workshop in Rhodes, May 25-27 which is part of the 14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations The paper was co-authored by: Ioannis Neokosmidis, Theodoros Rokkas, Dimitrios Xydias, Antonino Albanese, Shuaib Siddiqui, Carlos Colman Meixner and Dimitra Simeonidou

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  • inCITES consultant, Dimitrios Xydias, CFA writes about the need of network operators to transform their business models in order to thrive in the new digital era. 

    Read Dimitris article here

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  • inCITES participated in the H2020 Project Clustering workshop for demonstrations, organised by project ReCRED in Athens, April 20.

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  • Our Consultant Dimitrios Xydias, CFA presented inCITES Consulting's views on 'The future of Broadband in Europe' at the BASE 2018 event in Athens, March 23.

    European Commission's Digital Agenda for Europe initiative has introduced 3 more strategic connectivity targets to be met by its member states until 2025. Although some of the initial targets are still at risk, the accomplishment of the new ones will heavily depend on next generation technologies like fibre, DOCSIS and 5G. Thus, inCITES Consulting believes that the following factors will be key to achieving these targets:

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  • inCITES Consulting will present two articles at the Optical Fiber Communication conference 2018 in San Diego, CA on 11-15 March.

    1) "Technoeconomic Evaluations of 400G Optical Interconnect Implementations for Datacenter Networks" (by Theodoros Rokkas, PhD, Ioannis Neokosmidis, PhD, Dr. Ioannis Tomkos and Behnam Shariati) 

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  • inCITES Consulting will participate in the 'Data Centers, GPUs and Machine Learning' event at the University of Luxembourg on March 13 to discuss how new technologies will shape the future of the Data Centers industry.

    Drop us a line at if you would like to meet our reps on the event day.

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  • inCITES Consulting participates in the final review meetings of two H2020 5G Phase I projects CHARISMA and SESAME, in Ljubljana and Athens, respectively. inCITES' consultants contributed with their expertise in techno-economic analysis and business modelling on both projects, which revealed some very interesting findings.

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  • How expensive are telecom services in Greece, which factors contribute to the service price and how can services become more affordable? inCITES Consulting CEO, Dr. Ioannis Neokosmidis and Consultant Dimitris Xydias, CFA contributed to this article using data from inCITES' proprietary database, Prognosis.

    Follow the link to read our article (source in Greek)

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  • inCITES Consulting participates in the ETNO (European Telecommunications Network Operators'​ Association) regulatory summit 2018 where all European NRAs and incumbents meet to discuss hot topics in the regulatory space. This year’s focus is around 5G, spectrum policy and business models with very interesting ideas being shared by all panellists.

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  • For around a decade, between 2008-16, both the fixed and mobile telecom market in W. Europe shrank (Figure 1) due to a number of reasons, ranging from price control regulation (see EU Roam like Home initiative) and the significant declines in the price per unit for all core telecom services to the disruption from OTT providers and change in consumer preferences.

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  • Στο τέλος του 2012, δυο από τους τρεις μεγαλύτερους παρόχους κινητής τηλεφωνίας στην Ελλάδα ανέπτυξαν για πρώτη φορά δίκτυα 4G, προσφέροντας υψηλότερη ποιότητα υπηρεσιών και μεγαλύτερες ταχύτητες στους συνδρομητές τους.

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  • As 2017 is coming to an end we would like to recap our 2017 activities and reflect on the lessons we learned from them during the outgoing year. 2017 was a very productive and pivotal year for inCITES Consulting.

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  • In order to identify which factors are expected to be important to make 5G a success we put together a questionnaire and shared it with various telecoms experts. We then used the Fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (AHP) methodology to analyse the results.

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  • The need for ubiquitous connectivity is going nowhere but up. This creates growth in data traffic which means higher need for data centers and investments. In fact, Data Centers have experienced significant growth in the recent years in terms of number of sites, capacity and the possible uses ranging from storage, computing power, analytics, search engines, social networking, streaming media etc.

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  • Aalborg Universitet hosts the 13th CTTE and 10th CMI conferences focused on IoT business models, users and networks. inCITES Consulting is participating with 2 papers prepared by our experts on Data Center cost modelling and Roadmap to 5G.

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  • inCITES Consulting is showcasing European Commission's SAINT project EU and SHIELD EU project at the Luxembourg Internet Days 2017 event! inCITES Consulting is participating in the techno economic and business modelling analysis for both projects which have received significant attention today as the conference addresses Cybersecurity and Digital Transformation themes.

    For more info email us at

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  • inCITES Consulting's CEO Ioannis Neokosmidis, PhD presented our work on 'How to monetise a 5G Small Cells network using the SESAME network infrastructure: the case of connected stadiums" at the Connected Stadium Summit on November 7th in Amsterdam. 

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  • inCITES Consulting CEO Ioannis Neokosmidis, PhD and CTO Theodoros Rokkas, PhD will present their work as part of European Commission's CHARISMA project on 5G business modelling at the 19th Infocom World Conference in Athens on October 27.

    Drop us a line at if you want to have a chat with them on the event day.

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  • inCITES Consulting participated in the GSMA Mobile 360 series – Europe to share ideas and debate around Europe’s Digital Single Market agenda, the current status of the Connected Cars market and how to attract and retain female talent in ICT so to close the existing gender gap.


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  • inCITES Consulting participates in the FTETNO summit in Brussels where all major telecoms and regulators meet to discuss the European Commission's regulatory agenda in the digital economy era.

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  • According to 5GCity, delivering on the 5G promise of increased data rates, and ubiquitous coverages, poses stringent requirements on traditional vertically integrated operators. In particular, telecom operators are expected to massively roll out Small Cells, which requires finding appropriate urban spaces with both backhaul and energy availability. Network sharing becomes essential to unlock those commercial massive deployments.

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  • SAINT proposes to analyse and identify incentives to improve levels of collaboration between cooperative and regulatory approaches to information sharing. Analysis of the ecosystems of cybercriminal activity, associated markets and revenues will drive the development of a framework of business models appropriate for the fighting of cybercrime. The role of regulatory approaches as a cost benefit in cybercrime reduction will be explored within a concept of greater collaboration in order to gain optimal attrition of cybercriminal activities.

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  • A new manuscript describing and assessing the socio-techno-economic factors affecting the market adoption and evolution of 5G / CHARISMA networks has been accepted for publication at Telematics and Informatics.

    For more info, please click here

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  • inCITES participated in the preparation of the IEEE CSCN 2016 conference paper “Service Provisioning and Pricing Methods in a Multi-Tenant Cloud Enabled RAN”. This paper is an effort to identify and analyse different radio and cloud models and pricing schemes for the joint provisioning of radio access capacity and MEC services in a multi-tenant Radio Access Network (RAN).

    For more info, please click here

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  • inCITES Consulting recognizes the importance of Cyber Security in modern networks and participates in SHIELD (Securing against intruders and other threats through a NFV-enabled environment) Innovation Action project in order to investigate its business aspects. SHIELD project is funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 program.

    For more info, please click here

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  • As 2017 is coming to an end we would like to recap our 2017 activities and reflect on the lessons we learned from them during the outgoing year. 2017 was a very productive and pivotal year for inCITES Consulting. The short version of it is that we have further enhanced our advisory services while focusing on expanding our offering that will better serve our clients.

    Amongst other initiatives, in 2017 we:

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