- Project and StudiesEuropean Commission
CHARISMA is a Research and Innovation project as part of Horizon 2020 agenda that proposes an intelligent hierarchical routing and paravirtualised architecture that unites two important concepts: devolved offload with shortest path nearest to end-users and an end-to-end security service chain via virtualized open access physical layer security (PLS).
The CHARISMA architecture meets the goals of low-latency (<1ms) and security required for future converged wireless/wireline advanced 5G networking. This provides a cloud infrastructure platform with increased spectral and energy efficiency and enhanced performance targeting the identified needs for 1000-fold increased mobile data volume, 10-100 times higher data rates, 10-100 times more connected devices and 5x reduced latency.
CHARISMA has a budget of ~6 mil and it involves 14 partners from 9 countries.